Added Value- a benefit provided by a product and commands a higher price or customer loyalty. (Intangible-"Uniquely ownable and difficult to replicate") A collect them all scheme, a display cabinet (maybe could be a make your own cabinet with instructions) for them to go in, an e mail when a new one comes out.
Addictive Consumption-dependence on specific products or services. "It must be noted however, that the vast majority of consumerism is not addictive but habitual, and based on individual choice." A short film depicting a character addicted to the purchase of deer.
Advertising Wear Out-This is the point when consumers become indifferent to an advertising message because of overexposure.
An image which is duplicated over and over itself to the point where it becomes unbearable.
Affinity Marketing-This is a form of loyalty developement or customer relationship management designed to cement the emotional bond between consumer and brands. It centres on an exchange of information that enables consumers to learn about brands, while companies gain insights into consumers. Unlike loyalty marketing, affinity efforts do not represent an economic exchange...Affinity marketing may also take the form of helplines, membership clubs, newsletters, chat rooms and so on.
Develop an online virtual environment where the Deer can hang out, exchange gifts etc. This could be based on the Beanie Babies affinity site. This looks into questions of brands translating from the physical to the virtual in order to create more affinity and a lot more eye ball time to the product. The internet offeres massive potential for increased eyeball time on a brand.
AIDA Model- awareness, interest, desire and action, the four successive stages a buyer passes through before making a decision.
A series of photos showing a person going through the phases of the AIDA model with regards to purchasing a deer.
Ambassadors-Every employee is expected to live the values of the brand.
What could the values of the deer brand be. Tacky, over the top, unnatural, passe. How could the employees live this brand? Could there be a spoof office poster? Slogan "Are you Living the deer brand?" and two people, one over blinged one tasteful.
A wee test of the Ambassador idea which I am going to enter into the "Branded" poster exhibition we are curating at Handles Court Gallery.